mike headshot


Thanks so much for visiting my website – I’m delighted you’ve found me!

Please feel free to browse the pages to see what I’m up to. At the moment I’m particularly focused on my novels, which are thrillers in the vein of classic writers such as Desmond Bagley (you’ll find plenty more about him on the site). But I’m also an award-winning playwright, poet, short story writer and journalist, as well as dabbling in presenting and performing.

Do let me know what you think and sign up for my author newsletter at the bottom of this page – I’d love to hear from you.

Breaking News.

Around the world…

May 26, 2024

Around the world… cover


Well, when I invited you lovely people to let me know #whereareyoureadingyours I never expected to find Outback among royalty. Turns out Bill Kemp has ended up in the library of the Queen Mary II, courtesy of very happy reader Geri.   Having enjoyed it on a cruise which, appropriately e...read more

New year, new Bill Kemp novel

January 01, 2024

New year, new Bill Kemp novel cover

It won't be news if you follow me on social media (what do you mean, where can you find me? Have a look at the bottom of this page!) but there's a new Bill Kemp novel on the way.

After the searing heat of the Australian outback, Bill is now deposited in the freezing temperatures of the Austrian A...read more

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